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Google Seo Speed And Penalizing Factors

When Speed can become a penalizing factor... let's talk about it.
Many people won't believe it, but it's said that most of the websites out there are running powered by cheap hosting companies and it's ok... unless you are planning to have a good number of visitors.
When I started with ChkMe I was one of them. A very cheap hosting account, few visitors and it was fine! I never had problems with Google. All the page were indexed without problems.
After few months, I noticed that many pages were not indexed, and a drop of visitors. I went like "WTF" and I discovered that most of the time my ChkMe Tool was down! Yes, down.
Now, for who don't know ChkMe was initially a suite of tools available on and then websites, was January 2007... Time passed, visitors growing and something was supposed to happen. So I had to ditch the reseller account and moved on my first series of dedicated servers and VPS, and I created the website, yeah.. the one you know!
Since then I had to make many changes, Apache configurations and memory upgrades on the VPS hosting it... until, one bright day of three weeks ago I discovered that the VPS hosting was provoking a luckily-reversible-issue: I was loosing visitors, Google was not able to index anymore contents and all the widgets were not responsive.
Well, after more than 30k visitors a simple VPS was not enough anymore. So I had to move on a premium VPS, with a faster network connection, with more RAM and CPU cores. Since move on the new VPS, is faster and having a look to Analytics I can say that what was lost now is returning, more visitors... coming back home!
So, maybe you won't believe it easily but one of the most important SEO factors is to have a good hosting provider, if your website gain popularity the best thing to do will be to go VPS, then if things starts to go even better... well, a dedicated server may be your friend.
Speed can be a penalizing factor, cheap or free can sounds cool... but going PRO is the best think you can do. I have my favorite providers, but this is another story.

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